Other services
National Insurance Number
National Insurance Number is one of the most important documents that everyone should have. Without it, person can not legally seek employment or claim any benefit at all. To obtain a National Insurance number, you should contact your local Job Centre where you will, or a phone number where you must call to register for an interview.
The documents your need to present:
An identity document (passport, ID card, ID)
A document confirming your place of residence (utility bill, UK rights)
Your bank account, where you will see your home address,
an apartment lease). -
Letter from your employer or your last payroll showing your work
We work for you, so you can book a meeting, to go along to meetings and to represent you and help you get all the necessary documents you might need to get one.
Unique Tax Reference Number
All Self – employed individuals needs a unique taxpayer reference number (Unique Tax Number Reference). If you working in a construction industry and you do not hold UTR number ,you will be charged 30% tax, and if you have a UTR which is then needs to be registered under CIS Scheme you will be charged 20% tax. In order to get a UTR number, you must first register as self employed with HM Revenue and Customs. To receive your UTR takes round 4 to 6 weeks. Please contact us today, if you need a help with registering your business, we will give you all the advice you might need to become one.
Various consultations, letters, calls
We work for you, make necessary phone calls to various organisations, to help you solve problems you might have. Various appeals, letters. Please contact us for more details.